Jamie on SW 3rd, Portland Oregon

I like wearing classic, feminine pieces, things that make me feel pretty. I also tend to dress around what looks good with my hair.
Jamie, Zumba Instructor and student

dress: Mink Pink
cardigan: J. Crew
belt: thrifted
tights: Fred Meyer
socks: Fred Meyer
boots: Steve Madden
wallet: Hobo
bracelet: thrifted

by Lisa Warninger


  1. She is a fellow Portlander who shops for stockings at Freddy's! woohoo!

  2. i love the color of her cardigan. i have one that is almost identical. i just love cardigans in general.

  3. I love this look! I wish my hair was like that.

  4. I agree with Lauren- I have cute friends!!! ;)

  5. I love this look! I live in my Frye boots and tights. Can we please be friends and trade clothes, please?? :)
